International Association of Advanced Materials, IAAM invites scholars to submit proposals via email to publication@iaamonline.org for a special issue to publish in the Advanced Materials Letters: an Open Access Journal on the theme “Advancement of Materials to Green and Sustainable Future”, with a special focus on Health, Energy, and Environment. The primary aim behind releasing this special issue is to provide a collection of informative articles on a special set of advanced materials. The purpose of these special issues is to compile a set of comprehensible sets of papers and articles that can help the readers develop an understanding of a topic in an intelligible manner. These issues would feature a consistent and intensive focus on a critical issue that will surely ignite interest among the readers towards advanced materials and related fields. Such issues allow the journal to evaluate and present the existing research in a specific area of the sphere of Advanced Materials that the readers find interesting.
The number of articles and their length in a special issue will solely depend on the selected topic and the approach of the author. The size of a special use might be adjusted if the selection of articles is consistent with the overall aim of the issue and also meets the high standard of quality of the journal.
In the last decade, IAAM has achieved various heights and become the leader in not-for-profit scientific publishing. Today, it is one of the world’s oldest not-for-profit open access scientific publishing houses. Shortly after being established in 2010, in the same year, IAAM launched Advanced Materials Letters, an open access international scientific journal. Since then, the journal has been publishing top-quality peer-reviewed articles, research papers, etc. on materials science, engineering, and technology. After making a name for itself in the world of publishing with Advanced Materials Letters, IAAM releases another international journal called Advanced Materials Proceedings. The journal publishes peer-reviewed conference proceedings and informative articles on science and technology.
Potential guest editor(s) should submit written proposals that include the grounds for selecting the special issue topic, places it in the literature, and a few demonstrative topics for the papers to focus upon. The written proposal should also include a draft of the actual call for papers and the credential of the guest editor(s). Please submit the following documents:
- The proposal, including the title, description, and topics to be covered.
- CVs/short biographies of the guest editors.
- Any supplementary information such as plans for special issue workshops or symposia in Advanced Materials Congress, organized by IAAM.
After the last date for submissions, the IAAM editorial team will evaluate the submitted proposals and shortlist 3-5 out of them for further review. Once the final selection is done, the Managing Editor will be responsible for acting as a link between the editorial team of the journal and the selected guest editor(s) and for making sure that the journal standards are met through this entire process. The Managing Editor will also be involved in the editorial process, including selecting papers to be sent for review, identifying and assigning reviewers, and also all the other decisions throughout the review process. However, the final verdict on accepting or rejecting paper will be of the Editor-in-Chief of the journal.
One of the responsibilities of the guest editor(s) will be to publicize the call for papers and to generate submissions for the special issue. They may also host a workshop/ symposia for papers under consideration for the special issue. However, attendance at the workshop/symposia cannot be considered a parameter for the papers to be accepted. The Guest Editors will also be a part of all stages of the review process, including the reviewers and deciding on submissions. The review process will be conducted online. The guest editors are expected to conduct the review process keeping in mind the journal’s high standards in quality and efficiency of the process. Moreover, the guest editors are also expected to write an introductory article to place the special issue in the concerned literature and also give a brief introduction of the papers in the issue.
Topics should be on the interdisciplinary advanced materials research with a special focus on Health, Energy, and Environments. Issues should cover emerging and progressing fields in materials science for the “Advancement of materials to global excellence. Any queries regarding the special can be sent to publication@iaamonline.org