Document Type : Review Article



Soil pollution cannot be directly assessed or visually perceived generally and has become a hidden danger. It is mainly contributed by contamination from chemicals, heavy metals, pesticides, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and persistent organic pollutants. Soil pollutants are antagonistic to diversified life forms on earth ranging from soil microbes, plants, and mankind to water inhabitants and aerial lives, food security, agricultural productivity thereby exerting detrimental effects and so need immediate attention. The remediation of contaminated soil is necessary for sustainable development and continual existence of life forms on the planet. Ecological remediation depends chiefly on utilizing different innovations like adsorption, assimilation, compound responses, photo-catalysis, and filtration for the expulsion of contaminants from natural media like soil. This review elucidates various soil pollutants from natural to manmade sources and its affect on the environmental components. It further aims to look at recent advances in various remediation technologies for removing contaminants from soil. Besides the traditional methods of remediation, techniques involving biological methods, biotechnological approach and nanotechnology have been focused. Some possible opportunities and challenges of varying soil remediation strategies are discussed. It would suggest new perspectives and future challenges in soil remediation.

Graphical Abstract

Utilization of Advanced Technologies for in-situ Remediation of Polluted Soil to avoid Ecological Risks: A Review


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