Polycrystalline samples of (K0.45Na0.45Li0.1NbO3)1-x-(Ba0.96La0.04Ti0.815Mn0.0025 Nb0.0025Zr0.18 O3)x ceramics (where x = 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7 and 0.9) were prepared by using a high temperature solid state reaction technique. The XRD patterns of the BLTMNZ doped KNLN at room temperature with x = 0.7 have pure pervoskite phase with tetragonal structure at room temperature and have maximum value of dielectric constant at x = 0.9. Detailed studies of dielectric and impedance properties of the materials in a wide range of frequency (100Hz–1MHz) and temperatures (30 – 500 o C) showed that properties are strongly temperature and frequency dependent. The plots of Zʹʹ and Mʹʹ versus frequency at various temperatures show peaks in the higher temperature range (>300 o C). The compounds show dielectric relaxation, which is found to be of non-Debye type and the relaxation frequency shifted to higher side with increase in temperature. The Nyquist plot and conductivity studies showed the NTCR character of samples.